Philippians 4:13 says: “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength”. How often do we recite that verse to give ourselves confidence? Do we REALLY believe it? Your team in Uganda got to witness this truth in action in a most spectacular way.
As you know, the past 2 days have been dedicated to a medical clinic hosted at the Kacungwa church building with the Renewal Health Network doctors, nurses and staff providing the care. The Canby mission team provided support in several areas including the lab performing blood tests, pharmacy, admitting and the dentist.
Michelle Doty has been serving as the dental assistant to Joseph – the leader of the Muletee Medical Clinic. Joseph was performing as dentist during this clinic. At the end of the day yesterday, Joseph told Michelle that she would be pulling a tooth out the next day. We all thought it was just a trick on Michelle, but you could see in her face that she was a little worried that Joseph might just be serious.
Well, as it turns out, Joseph was VERY serious. Michelle was closely supervised by Joseph, who administered the Novocain and she actually pulled a tooth. In fact, by the end of the day, she had pulled 6 teeth from patients.
When we were talking this evening at dinner we asked her if, at the beginning of the trip, she ever imagined that she would be pulling teeth in a medical clinic in Uganda. She kind of smiled and said “no way”. Someone then asked Michelle how she did it and all she could say was “It was Jesus who gave me the strength”.
Is there any other explanation? We all saw clearly Jesus Christ giving Michelle what she needed, when she needed it to serve his suffering children in Uganda when she had no capability to do it on her own. Period!

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